Integrated modelling

Provisional models and territorial analyses will be performed on the basis of experimental data captured in WP1 and WP2. Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) models as well as stomatal conductance and assimilation models will be developed by the following RUs: RU-UNICATT, RU-TUS; RU-ROMA will contribute by providing input data for pollutant deposition modelling on vegetation in Rome. Models will be aimed at assessing and quantifying the ecosystem services offered by the urban and periurban plants to the city. The following tasks are involved:

T4a: Modelling gas exchange and physiological performances of urban plants; simulations in future horizon 2050 scenario(s) (RU-UNICATT); characterization of gas (CO2, NOx, O3, methane, VOCs, particulate) and particulates absorption capacity of urban trees and urban forests; characterization of VOCs and methane emissions from urban trees and urban forests via eddy covariance methods that computes high-precision estimates (RU-TUS).

T4b: Modelling air pollutant removal and simulation in future scenarios (RU UNICATT, RU-TUS). T4c: Assessment of ecosystem services for novel urban planning (RU-ROMA).

T4d: Validation of functioning models of urban forests. For this purpose, an Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) model will be studied in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service-Urban Forestry Research Group of New York. The model will ultimately be applied in the city of Rome for urban greening planning program (RU-TUS).

T4e: Improving the urban environment. The green city planning ensures the improvement of air quality through reduction of CO2 emissions and helps to increase the adaptation of the urban ecosystem to climate change (RU-TUS).

Expected results include the provisional modelling and indication on the best choice for tree species selection for urban greening as well as the quantification of beneficial role of trees in urban environments and the simulation of deleterious effects of removing green canopies in selected study areas. The valorisation of these services will serve as a basis for a novel urban planning.